KONTAK : 0812 9271 5757

Bringing The Best Care To Your Home

Cleanesia is here to help! We offer a range of hospitality services that blend technology and human touch. Our main goal is to make your life easier by providing assistance for your home and office needs. We aim to support and bring comfort to individuals, improving their overall quality of life. With Cleanesia, you can rely on us for all your service needs!

Cleanesia is dedicated to making a positive impact on our customers’ lives. We understand the value of time and energy, and believe they should be spent on meaningful pursuits. By choosing Cleanesia, you not only benefit yourself but also support our partners, helping to improve their quality of life and ensure their long-term sustainability. We are committed to creating ongoing and well-paying job opportunities for our partners.

Currently, Cleanesia offers services in the Jabodetabek area, including Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, South Tangerang, and Bekasi. Our main focus is providing excellent care for your home or office, while also giving everyone the chance to enjoy a better quality of life

Tahun Pengalaman

Why Cleanesia

Professionally trained

Our partners have undergone comprehensive professional training, ensuring their proficiency and expertise in their respective fields of operation.

Affordable Price

offering the best prices for each service while ensuring high-quality standard of service and responsibility.

Hygiene and safe materials

prioritizing the utilization of environmentally friendly, safe, and hygienic equipment and materials

Effective and efficient

Consistently deliver our services promptly, with a strong emphasis on maximizing their effectiveness and efficiency to ensure the highest customer satisfaction.

Personal Treatment

Our dedicated customer service team remains accessible throughout the entirety of the procedure, ensuring a continuous presence to oversee and address any concerns or queries that may arise and stress-free experience for our valued customers

What Do They Say About CLEANESIA ??


(Karyawan BUMN)

“Pelayanan tim Cleanesia sangat baik! hasilnya bersih dan petugas yang bertugas juga sangat ramah! Sangat terbantu, terima kasih Cleanesia”.



“Rekomended buat pekerja kantoran yang mageran dan ga sempet buat beresin kost/apartemen, biaya terjangkau dan petugasnya sangat bersahabat..”


(Wirausaha/ibu Rumah Tangga)

“Semakin sadar bahwa kesehatan keluarga yang terpenting, hydro vacuum cleanesia sangat canggih bersihkan kotoran Kasur dan setiap sudut rumah!”


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